Monday, August 17, 2020

Supplemental Application Essays

Supplemental Application Essays SECOND REVIEW A supplementary service for our previous customers. If you submitted an essay to us and want to resubmit the same essay after you revise it, we evaluate the revised essay and provide more advice. Our evaluation explains mechanical errors, strengths and weaknesses in your essay, and ways to improve it. We cover all aspects of the essay--its structure, organization, logic, style, and tone, as well as specific elements such as paragraphs, sentences, words, and transitions. Yes, we guarantee a money-back option in case the writer failed to give you a satisfying paper. This will tell us more about you than any “laundry list” of everything you’ve ever done in high school. We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. We recommend composing in advance, then copying and pasting into the application. Double-spacing, italics and other formatting will be lost, but this will not affect the evaluation of your application. You may use this space if you need to further explain or clarify answers you have given elsewhere in this application, or if you wish to share information that may assist the Office of Admissions. If appropriate, include the application question number to which your comment refer. Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. We see thousands of different transcripts, so it really helps us to view your coursework and grades in a consistent format. Please use our form, not a resume, to list your activities. There is only enough space to list four thingsâ€"please choose the four that mean the most to you and tell us a bit about them. When submitting your application on paper, pay attention to how it looks, taking into consideration margins, line spacing, font styles and paragraph alignment. Craft an outline showing how your story will flow from beginning to end, with each paragraph making an individual point. An outline will help you to flesh in your essay and keep it on point. FLEX Tutoring provides personalized assistance to build skills, improve grades, and get you into your dream school. FLEX test prep ensures that your child will achieve their maximum score with the minimum time commitment. You should use only the number of words you need to express your answer. Applicants are asked to submit a supplemental essay in addition to the Common Application or Coalition Application Personal Essay. The word allowance on the Common Application and Coalition Application forms is 300 words. This is to give you flexibility and to ensure your essay is not cut off. Please include all classes you have taken and are currently taking. If your courses were taken outside of your high school , tell us where they were taken in the “Course Title” field. The information you provide does not replace your official high school transcript, which must be sent to us from your school to verify your self-reported information . How you fill out this form will not make or break your application, so don’t stress about it. Use your best judgmentâ€"we’re simply trying to get a clear picture of your academic preparation by subject area. We pay close attention to the quality of the papers we deliver to our customers, which is why we try to prevent the writers from slacking by having them know that they can lose money if they do. In the “Term and/or Final Grade” field, list term and/or final grades for each class, as found on your school transcript (semester, trimester, quarter, final, etc.). For example, it’s not necessary to use a separate line for each semester of the same class. Place all grades for a class in the same field, separating grades with commas. Avoid abbreviations, if at all possible, and enter the names of your school courses by subject area. This supplemental essay will allow you to further express your interest in your academic area of choice. On one area, however, Sklarow agreed with the essay coaches -- there is a great danger of all the problems with essay coaches taking place with parents and family friends. We want to make sure you can compose an essay with a coherent thought and that you have the ability to string together a few sentences and express an idea. We happily accept any of the Common App essay prompts. You do not need to respond to either of the above essay prompts if you have completed an essay for the Common App.

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