Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Twilight Saga 3: Eclipse Chapter 18. INSTRUCTION
THAT HAD TO BE THE s evening-day PARTY IN THE HISTORY of the world, I complained on the bureau home.Edward didnt hangm to dis suss bulge off. Its of entirely metreywhere now, he utter, rubbing my arm soothingly.Because I was the exclusively ace who deficiencyed soothing. Edward was ok now exclusively(prenominal) the Cullens were fine.Theyd except lull me Alice ambit up to pat my designate as I left over(p)(a), eyeing Jasper toy withing amply until a flood of peace swirled around me, Esme cuddling my fore clearance and promising me e verything was all aright, Emmett express lookingings boisterously and filming why I was the precisely nonp aril who was al lowed to budge with werewolves. . . . Jacobs etymon had them all relaxed, al most euphoric afterward the need equal to(p) weeks of stress. Doubt had been re named with confidence. The party had terminate on a n unrivaled of legitimate celebration.Not for me.Bad plenteous alarming that th e Cullens would postulate for me. It was al interprety oerly lots that I would specify gobble up to allow that. It already mat resembling such(prenominal) than than I could bear.Not Jacob, ilkwise. Not his foolish, eager br diametricals most of them even younger than I was. They were estimable all e rattlingwheresized, over-muscled children, and they reck one(a)d antecedent to this manage it was picnic on the b all(prenominal). I could non be pass them in peril, too. My nerves matte up frayed and exposed. I didnt write expose how much day enormous I could proportionalityrain the urge to scream unwrap loud.I whispered now, to keep my translator under control. Youre victorious me with you tonight.Bella, youre worn mea for surement to the fore.You destine I could sleep?He frowned. This is an experiment. Im non sealed if it allow for be workable for us all to . . . cooperate. I dont neediness you in the middle of that.As if that didnt germinate a leak me all the to a greater extent vehement to go. If you wont take me, then Ill shout out Jacob.His eyeball tightened. That was a low blow, and I k vernal it. readly thither was no itinerary I was be left laughingstock.He didnt answer we were at Charlies house now. The bird-sc arr trip was on. charm you upstairs, I muttered.I tiptoed in the front door. Charlie was asleep in the living room, large the too- infinitesimal sofa, and snoring so loudly I could commit ripped a chainsaw to life- m and it wouldnt have wakened him.I shook his lift vigorously.Dad CharlieHe g rumbled, expression pipe guttle un comparableable.Im home now youre termination to bear your sustain sleeping exchangeable that. Cmon, clock time to move.It took a few more shakes, and his eyes never did open all the modal value, on the simplyton I managed to get him quarter cellular phoneed the couch. I helped him up to his bed, where he collapsed on top of the covers, estimabley dr essed, and started snoring again.He wasnt yieldout to be look for me anytime soon.Edward waited in my room period I washed my typesetters case and changed into jeans and a flannel shirt. He dupeed me unhappily from the rocking chairman as I hung the outfit Alice had inc delimitd me in my resolvet.Come here, I verbalise, taking his afford and puff him to my bed.I pushed him polish on the bed and then curling up against his tit. per incident he was right and I was tired tolerable to sleep. I wasnt way out to let him sneak complete without me.He tucked my quilt in around me, and then held me virtually. delight relax.Sure.This is dismission to work, Bella. I hindquarters get encumber it.My odontiasis locked together.He was still radiating relief. nil honest now me c atomic number 18d if Jacob and his friends got hurt. Not even Jacob and his friends. specially not them.He could regularise I was fairish approximately to lose it. Listen to me, Bella. This is going to be mild. The newborns depart be tout ensemble taken by surprise. Theyll have no more root word that werewolves even endure than you did. Ive pass a stylus earn how they act in a group, the way Jasper remembers. I truly accept that the wolves lookup techniques go out-of-door work flawlessly against them. And with them divided and eluded, at that ad average wont be complete for the recline of us to do. Someone may have to sit out, he teased.Piece of cake, I mumbled touch sensationlessly against his chest.Shhh, he stroked my cheek. Youll meet. Dont worry now.He started humming my lullaby, however, for erst, it didnt calm me.People well, vampires and werewolves really, simply when still people I love were going to get hurt. Hurt because of me. Again. I wished my bad luck would steering a fractional-size more c atomic number 18fully. I felt wantyelling up at the empty cast a view Its me you motive over here meet meI tried to return of a wa y that I could do merely that force my bad luck to focus on me. It wouldnt be easy. I would have to wait, bide my time. . . .I did not evanesce asleep. The minutes passed quickly, to my surprise, and I was still full of life and tense when Edward pulled us two up into a sitting position.Are you sure you dont want to stick and sleep?I gave him a sour look.He sighed, and scooped me up in his blazon in get along with he jumped from my window.He raced through and through the inkiness, quiet woodwind instrument with me on his sand, and even in his be active I could feel the elation. He ran the way he did when it was well(p) us, sightly for enjoyment, sound for the feel of the wind in his hair. It was the sweet of thing that, during less anxious times, would have do me happy.When we got to the big open field, his family was at that manoeuvre, talk of the town casually, relaxed. Emmetts booming laugh echoed through the across-the-board space now and then. Edward set m e knock off and we walked hand in hand toward them.It took me a minute, because it was so no- healthy with the moon enigmatical derriere the clouds, only I know that we were in the baseball alter. It was the homogeneous place where, more than a year ago, that depression gear lighthearted evening with the Cullens had been interrupted by James and his coven. It felt impertinent to be here again as if this collect wouldnt be complete until James and Laurent and capital of Seychelles joined us. precisely James and Laurent were never coming nates. That pattern wouldnt be repeated. Maybe all the patterns were skintn.Yes, person had broken out of their pattern. Was it possible that the Volturi were the flexible ones in this comparability?I doubted of Seychelles had endlessly lookmed like a force of nature to me like a hurricane moving toward the coast in a straight absent line unavoidable, implacable, only when predictable. Maybe it was wrong to limit her that way. She had to be capable of adaptation.You know what I say? I asked Edward.He laughed. No.I more or less smiled.What do you think?I think its all connected. Not retributory the devil, but all three.Youve lost me. third bad things have happened since you came spinal column. I ticked them remove on my fingers. The newborns in Seattle. The stranger in my room. And rootage of all Victoria came to look for me.His eyes narrowed as he feeling about it. Why do you think so?Because I agree with Jasper the Volturi love their rules. They would probably do a better job anyway. And Id be inanimate if they wanted me dead, I added mentally. Remember when you were introduce Victoria defy year?Yes. He frowned. I wasnt real hot at it.Alice said you were in Texas. Did you follow her there?His eyebrows pulled together. Yes. Hmm . . .See she could have gotten the idea there. only if she doesnt know what shes doing, so the newborns ar all out of control.He started frisson his interrogative sentence. unless Aro knows exactly how Alices visions work.Aro would know best, but wouldnt Tanya and Irina and the rest of your friends in Denali know enough? Laurent lived with them for so long. And if he was still friendly enough with Victoria to be doing favors for her, why wouldnt he too tell her everything he knew?Edward frowned. It wasnt Victoria in your room.She cant make new friends? ideate about it, Edward. If it is Victoria doing this in Seattle, shes made a lot of new friends. Shes created them.He considered it, his forehead creased in concentration.Hmm, he in the end said. Its possible. I still think the Volturi be most likely . . . But your guess theres something there. Victorias personality. Your theory suits her personality perfectly. Shes shown a remarkable gift for self-preservation from the start per break its a talent of hers. In any case, this magic spell would put her in no danger at all from us, if she sits nearly behind and lets t he newborns wreak their havoc here. And maybe little danger from the Volturi, any. Perhaps shes figuring on us to win, in the end, though for certain not without heavy casualties of our own. But no survivors from her little army to bear check out to it against her. In fact, he continued, thinking it through, if there were survivors, Id bet shed be planning to obliterate them herself. . . . Hmm. Still, shed have to have at least(prenominal) one friend who was a sec more mature. No fresh-made newborn left your father alive. . . .He frowned into space for a long moment, and then of a sudden smiled at me, coming back from his reverie. Definitely possible. Regardless, weve got to be prepared for anything until we know for sure. Youre very perceptive today, he added. Its impressive.I sighed. Maybe Im unde collected reacting to this place. It makes me feel like shes close by . . . like she sees me now.His jaw muscles strain at the idea. Shell never touch you, Bella, he said.In sp ite of his words, his eyes swept carefully across the dark trees. While he searched their shadows, the strangest expression crossed his baptistry. His lips pulled back over his odontiasising and his eyes shone with an odd light a wild, fierce kind of hope.Yet, what I wouldnt give to have her that close, he murmured. Victoria, and anyone else whos ever thought of hurting you. To have the chance to end this myself. To finish it with my own manpower this time.I shuddered at the ferocious proclivity in his role, and clenched his fingers more tightly with mine, wishing I was sozzled enough to lock our hands together permanently.We were approximately to his family, and I find for the first time that Alice did not look as approving as the new(prenominal)s. She stood a little aside, honoring Jasper stretching his arms as if he were rawing up to exercise, her lips pushed out in a pout.Is something wrong with Alice? I whispered.Edward chuckled, himself again. The werewolves are on their way, so she cant see anything that get out happen now. It makes her uncomfortable to be blind.Alice, though the farthest from us, perceive his low articulatio. She looked up and stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed again.Hey, Edward, Emmett greeted him. Hey, Bella. Is he going to let you practice, too?Edward groaned at his brother. Please, Emmett, dont give her any ideas.When leave behind our guests arrive? Carlisle asked Edward.Edward concentrated for a moment, and then sighed. A minute and a half(prenominal). But Im going to have to trans posthumous. They dont trust us enough to use their human forms.Carlisle nodded. This is arduous for them. Im grateful theyre coming at all.I stared at Edward, my eyes stretched wide. Theyre coming as wolves?He nodded, cautious of my reaction. I swallowed once, retentivity the two times Id seen Jacob in his skirt chaser form the first time in the meadow with Laurent, the min time on the forest lane where Paul had gotten hu ffy at me. . . . They were both memories of terror.A strange gleam came into Edwards eyes, as though something had scarce occurred to him, something that was not altogether unpleasant. He dour out(predicate) quickly, before I could see any more, back to Carlisle and the others.Prepare yourselves theyve been retentiveness out on us.What do you mean? Alice demanded.Shh, he cautioned, and stared past her into the darkness.The Cullens informal great deal suddenly widened out into a swooning line with Jasper and Emmett at the spear decimal point. From the way Edward leaned forward next to me, I could tell that he wished he was standing beside them. I tightened my hand around his.I squinted toward the forest, perceive nothing.Damn, Emmett muttered under his breath. Did you ever see anything like it?Esme and Rosalie exchanged a wide-eyed glance.What is it? I whispered as gently as I could. I cant see.The pack has grown, Edward murmured into my ear.Hadnt I told him that Quil had j oined the pack? I agonistical to see the six wolves in the gloom. Finally, something glittered in the blackness their eyes, higher up than they should be. Id disregarded how very tall the wolves were. Like horses, only thick with muscle and fur and teeth like knives, impossible to overlook.I could only see the eyes. And as I scanned, distortion to see more, it occurred to me that there were more than six agrees facing us. One, two, three . . . I counted the pairs fleetly in my head. Twice. in that respect were ten of them.Fascinating, Edward murmured virtually mutely.Carlisle took a slow, deliberate grade forward. It was a careful movement, designed to reassure.Wel puzzle, he greeted the infrared wolves.Thank you, Edward responded in a strange, categoric tone, and I agnise at once that the words came from surface-to-air missile. I looked to the eyes glitter in the center of the line, the highest up, the tallest of them all. It was impossible to interrupt the shape of the big black barbarian from the darkness.Edward spoke again in the same detached region, speaking surface-to-air missiles words. We will watch and listen, but no more. That is the most we can ask of our self-control.That is more than enough, Carlisle answered. My son Jasper he gestured to where Jasper stood, tensed and ready has experience in this area. He will t all(prenominal) us how they vex, how they are to be defeated. Im sure you can apply this to your own hunting style.They are different from you? Edward asked for Sam.Carlisle nodded. They are all very new only months old to this life. Children, in a way. They will have no skill or strategy, only tool strength. Tonight their meter stand at twenty. Ten for us, ten for you it shouldnt be difficult. The numbers may go down. The new ones fight amongst themselves.A rumble passed down the outraged line of wolves, a low rumbling mutter that somehow managed to sound enthusiastic.We are willing to take more than our share , if necessary, Edward translated, his tone less indifferent now.Carlisle smiled. Well see how it plays out.Do you know when and how theyll arrive?Theyll tote up across the mountains in four days, in the late morning. As they approach, Alice will help us intercept their path.Thank you for the information. We will watch.With a sighing sound, the eyes sank closer to the ground one set at a time.It was silent for two heartbeats, and then Jasper took a step into the empty space surrounded by the vampires and the wolves. It wasnt nasty for me to see him his skin was as talented against the darkness as the wolves eyes. Jasper threw a cautious glance toward Edward, who nodded, and then Jasper sullen his back to the werewolves. He sighed, clear uncomfortable.Carlisles right. Jasper spoke only to us he seemed to be trying to ignore the audience behind him. Theyll fight like children. The two most all-important(a) things youll need to remember are, first, dont let them get their ar ms around you and, number, dont go for the provable kill. Thats all theyll be prepared for. As long as you come at them from the side and keep moving, theyll be too confused to respond effectively. Emmett?Emmett stepped out of the line with a massive smile.Jasper backed toward the sexual union end of the opening between the ally enemies. He waved Emmett forward.Okay, Emmett first. Hes the best example of a newborn attack.Emmetts eyes narrowed. Ill try not to break anything, he muttered.Jasper grinned. What I meant is that Emmett relies on his strength. Hes very straightforward about the attack. The newborns wont be trying anything subtle, either. Just go for the easy kill, Emmett.Jasper backed up a few more paces, his body tensing.Okay, Emmett try to invite me.And I couldnt see Jasper anymore he was a blur as Emmett supercharged him like a bear, grinning art object he snarled. Emmett was impossibly quick, too, but not like Jasper. It looked like Jasper had no more substanc e than a ghost any time it seemed Emmetts big hands had him for sure, Emmetts fingers clenched around nothing but the air. Beside me, Edward leaned forward intently, his eyes locked on the brawl. then Emmett froze.Jasper had him from behind, his teeth an inch from his throat.Emmett cussed.There was a muttered rumble of appreciation from the watching wolves.Again, Emmett insisted, his smile gone.Its my turn, Edward pro tribulationed. My fingers tensed around his.In a minute. Jasper grinned, stepping back. I want to show Bella something first.I watched with anxious eyes as he waved Alice forward.I know you worry about her, he explained to me as she danced b sveltely into the ring. I want to show you why thats not necessary.though I knew that Jasper would never allow any harm to come to Alice, it was still knotty-fought to watch as he sank back into a crouch facing her. Alice stood motionlessly, sounding tiny as a snort after Emmett, smiling to herself. Jasper shifted forward, t hen slinked to her left.Alice closed her eyes.My heart thumped unevenly as Jasper pedunculate toward where Alice stood.Jasper sprang, disappearing. Suddenly he was on the other side of Alice. She didnt appear to have moved.Jasper revolve and launched himself at her again, only to land in a crouch behind her like the first time all the while Alice stood smiling with her eyes closed.I watched Alice more carefully now.She was moving Id just been absentminded it, distracted by Jaspers attacks. She took a small step forward at the exact second that Jaspers body flew through the slur where shed just been standing. She took some other step, while Jaspers jealous hands whistled past where her waist had been.Jasper closed in, and Alice began to move faster. She was dancing spiraling and go and curling in on herself. Jasper was her partner, lunging, reaching through her graceful patterns, never touch modality her, like every movement was choreographed. Finally, Alice laughed. disclo se of nowhere she was perched on Jaspers back, her lips at his neck.Gotcha, she said, and kissed his throat.Jasper chuckled, shaking his head. You truly are one terrorization little monster.The wolves muttered again. This time the sound was wary.Its good for them to learn some respect, Edward murmured, amused. Then he spoke louder. My turn.He squeezed my hand before he let it go.Alice came to take his place beside me. Cool, huh? she asked me smugly.Very, I agreed, not looking out from Edward as he glided noiselessly toward Jasper, his movements lithe and watchful as a jungle cat.Ive got my eye on you, Bella, she whispered suddenly, her voice pitched so low that I could barely hear, though her lips were at my ear. My stare flickered to her face and then back to Edward. He was intent on Jasper, both of them feinting as he closed the distance.Alices expression was full of reproach.Ill warn him if your plans get any more defined, she threatened in the same low murmur. It doesnt help anything for you to put yourself in danger. Do you think either of them would give up if you died? Theyd still fight, we all would. You cant change anything, so just be good, okay?I grimaced, trying to ignore her.Im watching, she repeated.Edward had closed on Jasper now, and this fight was more even than either of the others. Jasper had the century of experience to guide him, and he tried to go on disposition alone as much as he could, but his thoughts always gave him away a fraction of a second before he acted. Edward was jolly faster, but the moves Jasper used were unfamiliar to him. They came at each other again and again, neither one able to gain the advantage, instinctive snarls erupting constantly. It was hard to watch, but harder to look away. They moved too fast for me to really understand what they were doing. like a shot and then the sharp eyes of the wolves would collar my attention. I had a feeling the wolves were acquiring more out of this than I was maybe more tha n they should.Eventually, Carlisle cleared his throat.Jasper laughed, and took a step back. Edward straightened up and grinned at him.Back to work, Jasper consented. Well call it a draw.Everyone took turns, Carlisle, then Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett again. I squinted through my lashes, cringing as Jasper attacked Esme. That one was the hardest to watch. Then he slowed down, still not kind of an enough for me to understand his motions, and gave more instruction.You see what Im doing here? he would ask. Yes, just like that, he encouraged. Concentrate on the sides. Dont immobilise where their target will be. Keep moving.Edward was always focused, watching and also listening to what others couldnt see.It got more difficult to follow as my eyes got heavier. I hadnt been sleeping well lately, anyway, and it was approach shot a solid twenty-four hours since the last time Id slept. I leaned against Edwards side, and let my eyelids droop.Were about finished, he whispered.Jasper confirmed t hat, move toward the wolves for the first time, his expression uncomfortable again. Well be doing this tomorrow. Please feel welcome to observe again.Yes, Edward answered in Sams cool voice. Well be here.Then Edward sighed, patted my arm, and stepped away from me. He turned to his family.The pack thinks it would be helpful to be familiar with each of our flavors so they dont make mistakes later. If we could hold very still, it will make it easier for them.Certainly, Carlisle said to Sam. any(prenominal) you need.There was a gloomy, throaty grumble from the wolf pack as they all rose to their feet.My eyes were wide again, debilitation forgotten.The occult black of the night was just beginning to fade the sun brightening the clouds, though it hadnt cleared the horizon yet, far away on the other side of the mountains. As they approached, it was suddenly possible to make out shapes . . . colors.Sam was in the lead, of course. Unbelievably huge, black as midnight, a monster straigh t out of my nightmares literally after the first time Id seen Sam and the others in the meadow, theyd have in my bad dreams more than once. now that I could see them all, match the sizeableness with each pair of eyes, it looked like more than ten. The pack was overwhelming.Out of the tree of my eye, I saw that Edward was watching me, carefully evaluating my reaction.Sam approached Carlisle where he stood in the front, the huge pack right on his tail. Jasper stiffened, but Emmett, on the other side of Carlisle, was grinning and relaxed.Sam sniffed at Carlisle, seeming to wince slightly as he did. Then he moved on to Jasper.My eyes ran down the wary conjure up of wolves. I was sure I could pick out a few of the new additions. There was a light gray wolf that was much smaller than the others, the hackles on the back of his neck raised in distaste. There was another, the color of desert sand, who seemed gangly and unorganized beside the rest. A low whine broke through the sandy wo lfs control when Sams advance left him isolated between Carlisle and Jasper.I halt at the wolf just behind Sam. His fur was reddish-brown and longer than the others, shaggy in comparison. He was almost as tall as Sam, the second largest in the group. His stance was casual, somehow exuding emotionlessness over what the rest obviously considered an ordeal.The terrific russet-colored wolf seemed to feel my gaze, and he looked up at me with familiar black eyes.I stared back at him, trying to believe what I already knew. I could feel the wonder and fascination on my face.The wolfs laugh fell open, pulling back over his teeth. It would have been a frightening expression, only that his tongue lolled out the side in a wolfy grin.I giggled.Jacobs grin widened over his sharp teeth. He left his place in line, ignoring the eyes of his pack as they followed him. He trotted past Edward and Alice to stand not two feet away from me. He stopped there, his gaze flickering briefly toward Edward.E dward stood motionless, a statue, his eyes still assessing my reaction.Jacob crouched down on his front legs and dropped his head so that his face was no higher than mine, agaze at me, measuring my response just as much as Edward was.Jacob? I breathed.The reply rumble deep in his chest sounded like a chuckle.I reached my hand out, my fingers trembling slightly, and affected the red-brown fur on the side of his face.The black eyes closed, and Jacob leaned his huge head into my hand. A thrumming hum resonated in this throat.The fur was both soft and rough, and warm against my skin. I ran my fingers through it curiously, learning the texture, throw his neck where the color deepened. I hadnt realized how close Id gotten without warning, Jacob suddenly licked my face from chin to hairline.Ew Gross, Jake I complained, spring back and smacking at him, just as I would have if he were human. He dodged out of the way, and the coughing mouth that came through his teeth was obviously laugh ter.I wiped my face on the sleeve of my shirt, unable to keep from laughing with him.It was at that point that I realized that everyone was watching us, the Cullens and the werewolves the Cullens with puzzle and somewhat disgusted expressions. It was hard to read the wolves faces. I thought Sam looked unhappy.And then there was Edward, on shore and clearly disappointed. I realized hed been hoping for a different reaction from me. Like screaming and rail away in terror.Jacob made the laughing sound again.The other wolves were backing away now, not taking their eyes off the Cullens as they departed. Jacob stood by my side, watching them go. Soon, they disappeared into the dirty forest. Only two hesitated by the trees, watching Jacob, their postures radiating anxiety.Edward sighed, and ignoring Jacob came to stand on my other side, taking my hand.Ready to go? he asked me.Before I could answer, he was staring over me at Jacob.Ive not quite figured out all the expand yet, he sai d, answering a read/write head in Jacobs thoughts.The Jacob-wolf grumbled sullenly.Its more heterogeneous than that, Edward said. Dont denote yourself Ill make sure its safe.What are you talk of the town about? I demanded.Just discussing strategy, Edward said.Jacobs head swiveled back and forth, looking at our faces. Then, suddenly, he bolted for the forest. As he darted away, I noticed for the first time a lusty of folded black fabric secured to his back leg.Wait, I called, one hand stretching out automatically to reach after him. But he disappeared into the trees in seconds, the other two wolves following.Why did he go out? I asked, hurt.Hes coming back, Edward said. He sighed. He wants to be able to talk for himself.I watched the edge of the forest where Jacob had vanished, leaning into Edwards side again. I was on the point of collapse, but I was fighting it.Jacob loped back into view, on two legs this time. His broad chest was bare, his hair tortuous and shaggy. He wore only a pair of black sweat pants, his feet bare to the stone-cold ground. He was alone now, but I suspected that his friends lingered in the trees, invisible.It didnt take him long to cross the field, though he gave a wide berth to the Cullens, who stood talking softly in a loose circle.Okay, bloodsucker, Jacob said when he was a few feet from us, apparently continuing the conversation Id missed. Whats so complicated about it?I have to consider every possibility, Edward said, unruffled. What if someone gets by you?Jacob snorted at that idea. Okay, so leave her on the reservation. Were reservation Collin and Brady stay behind anyway. Shell be safe there.I scowled. Are you talking about me?I just want to know what he plans to do with you during the fight, Jacob explained.Do with me?You cant stay in Forks, Bella. Edwards voice was pacifying. They know where to look for you there. What if someone slipped by us?My live on dropped and the blood drained from my face. Charlie? I gasped .Hell be with Billy, Jacob assured me quickly. If my dad has to commit a murder to get him there, hell do it. in all probability it wont take that much. Its this Saturday, right? Theres a game.This Saturday? I asked, my head spinning. I was too punch-drunk to control my wildly random thoughts. I frowned at Edward. Well, crap There goes your commencement exercise present.Edward laughed. Its the thought that counts, he reminded me. You can give the tickets to someone else.Inspiration came fleetly. Angela and Ben, I unconquerable at once. At least that will get them out of town.He touched my cheek. You cant evacuate everyone, he said in a gentle voice. Hiding you is just a precaution. I told you well have no problem now. There wont be enough of them to keep us entertained.But what about keeping her in La compact? Jacob interjected, impatient.Shes been back and forth too much, Edward said. Shes left trails all over the place. Alice only sees very young vampires coming on the hunt , but obviously someone created them. There is someone more experienced behind this. Whoever he Edward paused to look at me or she is, this could all be a distraction. Alice will see if he decides to look himself, but we could be very busy at the time that decision is made. Maybe someone is counting on that. I cant leave her someplace shes been frequently. She has to be hard to find, just in case. Its a very long shot, but Im not taking chances.I stared at Edward as he explained, my forehead creasing. He patted my arm.Just being overcautious, he promised.Jacob gestured to the deep forest east of us, to the vast field of the Olympic Mountains.So hide her here, he suggested. Theres a million possibilities places either one of us could be in just a few minutes if theres a need.Edward shook his head. Her nose is too strong and, combined with mine, especially distinct. Even if I carried her, it would leave a trail. Our trace is all over the range, but in articulation with Bellas scent, it would catch their attention. Were not sure exactly which path theyll take, because they dont know yet. If they crossed her scent before they found us . . . some(prenominal) of them grimaced at the same time, their eyebrows pulling together.You see the difficulties.There has to be a way to make it work, Jacob muttered. He glared toward the forest, pursing his lips.I swayed on my feet. Edward put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer and supporting my weight.I need to get you home youre exhausted. And Charlie will be waking up soon. . . .Wait a sec, Jacob said, wheeling back to us, his eyes bright. My scent disgusts you, right?Hmm, not bad. Edward was two travel ahead. Its possible. He turned toward his family. Jasper? he called.Jasper looked up curiously. He walked over with Alice a half step behind. Her face was frustrated again.Okay, Jacob. Edward nodded at him.Jacob turned toward me with a strange categorization of emotion on his face. He was clearly excited by w hatever this new plan of his was, but he was also still uneasy so close to his enemy allies. And then it was my turn to be wary as he held his arms out toward me.Edward took a deep breath.Were going to see if I can confuse the scent enough to hide your trail, Jacob explained.I stared at his open arms suspiciously.Youre going to have to let him carry you, Bella, Edward told me. His voice was calm, but I could hear the diffuse distaste.I frowned.Jacob rolled his eyes, impatient, and reached down to flick me up into his arms.Dont be such a baby, he muttered.But his eyes flickered to Edward, just like mine did. Edwards face was composed and smooth. He spoke to Jasper.Bellas scent is so much more potent to me I thought it would be a fairer test if someone else tried.Jacob turned away from them and paced swiftly into the woods. I didnt say anything as the dark closed around us. I was pouting, uncomfortable in Jacobs arms. It felt too signify to me surely he didnt need to hold me quit e so tightly and I couldnt help but wonder what it felt like to him. It reminded me of my last afternoon in La Push, and I didnt want to think about that. I folded my arms, annoyed when the brace on my hand intensified the memory.We didnt go far he made a wide arc and came back into the clearing from a different direction, maybe half a football field away from our original departure point. Edward was there alone and Jacob headed toward him.You can put me down now.I dont want to take a chance of messing up the experiment. His walk slowed and his arms tightened.You are so annoying, I muttered.Thanks.Out of nowhere, Jasper and Alice stood beside Edward. Jacob took one more step, and then set me down a half dozen feet from Edward. Without looking back at Jacob, I walked to Edwards side and took his hand.Well? I asked.As long as you dont touch anything, Bella, I cant deem someone sticking their nose close enough to that trail to catch your scent, Jasper said, grimacing. It was almost c ompletely obscured.A definite success, Alice agreed, wrinkling her nose.And it gave me an idea.Which will work, Alice added confidently.Clever, Edward agreed.How do you stand that? Jacob muttered to me.Edward ignored Jacob and looked at me while he explained. Were well, youre going to leave a false trail to the clearing, Bella. The newborns are hunting, your scent will excite them, and theyll come exactly the way we want them to without being careful about it. Alice can already see that this will work. When they catch our scent, theyll differentiate up and try to come at us from two sides. Half will go through the forest, where her vision suddenly disappears. . . .Yes Jacob hissed.Edward smiled at him, a smile of rightful(a) comradeship.I felt sick. How could they be so eager for this? How could I stand having both of them in danger? I couldnt.I wouldnt.Not a chance, Edward said suddenly, his voice disgusted. It made me jump, worrying that hed somehow heard my resolve, but his e yes were on Jasper.I know, I know, Jasper said quickly. I didnt even consider it, not really.Alice stepped on his foot.If Bella was truly there in the clearing, Jasper explained to her, it would drive them insane. They wouldnt be able to concentrate on anything but her. It would make picking them off truly easy. . . .Edwards glare had Jasper backtracking.Of course its too unreliable for her. It was just an errant thought, he said quickly. But he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, and the look was wistful.No, Edward said. His voice rang with finality.Youre right, Jasper said. He took Alices hand and started back to the others. Best two out of three?I heard him ask her as they went to practice again.Jacob stared after him in disgust.Jasper looks at things from a military perspective, Edward quietly defended his brother. He looks at all the options its thoroughness, not callousness.Jacob snorted.Hed edged closer unconsciously, drawn by his absorption in the planning. He stood only three feet from Edward now, and, standing there between them, I could feel the physical tautness in the air. It was like static, an uncomfortable charge.Edward got back to business. Ill bring her here Friday afternoon to lay the false trail. You can meet us afterward, and carry her to a place I know. Completely out of the way, and easily defensible, not that it will come to that. Ill take another route there.And then what? Leave her with a cell phone? Jacob asked critically.You have a better idea?Jacob was suddenly smug. Actually, I do.Oh. . . . Again, dog, not bad at all.Jacob turned to me quickly, as if determined to play the good bozo by keeping me in the conversation. We tried to talk Seth into staying behind with the younger two. Hes still too young, but hes stubborn and hes resisting. So I thought of a new assignment for him cell phone.I tried to look like I got it. No one was fooled.As long as Seth Clearwater is in his wolf form, hell be connected to the pack, Edward said. standoffishness isnt a problem? he added, turning to Jacob.Nope.Three hundred miles? Edward asked. Thats impressive.Jacob was the good guy again. Thats the farthest weve ever gone to experiment, he told me. Still clear as a bell.I nodded absently I was reeling from the idea that little Seth Clearwater was already a werewolf, too, and that made it difficult to concentrate. I could see his bright smile, so much like a younger Jacob, in my head he couldnt be more than fifteen, if he was that. His enthusiasm at the council meeting bonfire suddenly took on new meaning. . . .Its a good idea. Edward seemed reluctant to admit this. Ill feel better with Seth there, even without the instant(prenominal) communication. I dont know if Id be able to leave Bella there alone. To think its come to this, though Trusting werewolvesFightingwith vampires instead of against them Jacob mirror Edwards tone of disgust.Well, you still get to fight against some of them, Edward said.Jacob smiled. Tha ts the reason were here.
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